What are the Ayurvedic Treatments for Menopause?

Ayurveda Menopause

What are the Ayurvedic Treatments for Menopause?


A woman’s body goes through a lot of changes, regardless of whether she is capable of sudden changes or not. The one natural phase that enters the life of a woman without any invitation is menopause. It brings a huge change to a woman’s mind and body. This is the time when people look for gentle yet effective ways to experience some relief from the symptoms and balance everything. 


Rather than relying on unsure treatments, you can take an Ayurvedic shelter. Ayurveda provides gentle yet effective treatments for various menopausal symptoms. It mainly focuses on balancing your soul, mind, and body by following holistic approaches. Also, Ayurveda says the menopause phase needs balancing and is not a disease. There are many Ayurvedic menopause treatments that can be opted to ease the symptoms and live a happy life. 

Know more about menopause. 


Menopause is known to be a natural stage that every woman faces in her life. During this stage, a woman stops having a period and cannot get pregnant. This happens mainly in the late 40s or early 50s. During this stage, the ovaries stop releasing eggs as well as producing less estrogen and progesterone. This further leads to various physical and emotional changes. However, it is imperative to understand that age plays a natural role in menopause, and there are other factors that contribute to this stage. 


What are the symptoms of menopause? 


There are various symptoms of menopause that will help you understand whether you are going through a stage or not: 


  • Hot flashes/night sweats 

A woman who is facing severe hot flashes along with night sweats and discomfort. 


  • Emotional changes

Menopause can bring in a lot of emotional ups and downs. This can result in mood swings, depression, and anxiety. 


  • Heavy bleeding 

Women facing menopause often experience excessive menstrual bleeding, and this is a tough time for many women.


  • Sleeping issues 

Along with night sweats and mood swings, women can even face insomnia, broken sleep patterns, and other sleep problems. 


Top Ayurvedic treatments for menopause 


Here are some top Ayurvedic menopause treatments that you can follow to go through this stage with ease: 


  • Ashwagandha 

The use of ashwagandha can help the body function normally by reducing nervousness, improving sleep patterns, and lowering anxiety. Also, it boosts energy levels and rejuvenates the body.


  • Shatavari 

It is effective in the reproductive system. Shatavari is also beneficial in regulating hormonal levels and can mitigate menopause symptoms like hot flashes, vaginal dryness, or night sweats.


  • Brahmi 

Menopausal women who are facing brain fog, lack of concentration, or memory retrieval should use Brahmi. This Ayurvedic treatment can be beneficial. 


  • Licorice 

Licorice has a phytoestrogenic nature and can easily imitate the natural activity of estrogen hormone. This can be beneficial in leveling hormones and reducing menopause symptoms. Also, it helps balance adrenal health, which is essential during hormonal fluctuations. 


  • Turmeric 

Turmeric has an active component, curcumin, which helps fight inflammation. It can relieve joint pain, stiffness, etc. 

Ayurvedic massage therapies for menopause 


There are different Ayurvedic massage therapies that can be opted for menopause relief, such as: 


  • Panchakarma 

It involves procedures like vasti, nasya, and virechana and can help with menopause symptoms. Sapthasaram Kwath is helpful in curbing excessive bleeding. 


  • Chandansava 

It is beneficial with hot flashes or UTIs because of vaginal dryness. However, it should be adopted with the help of the best Ayurvedic doctors. 




Ayurveda is best for its treatments and massage therapies. If you are dealing with menopause and its symptoms, then heading to Ananta Ayurveda can be the best option. We are the leading Ayurvedic hospital that will allow your mind, body, and soul to be aligned. Also, with us, you don’t need to worry about menopause and other health issues. 


Ayurveda Massage Centre

Decrease the Impact of Ageing with Ayurveda


Ayurveda has been changing lives ever since its inception. It aims to help people flourish in a number of ways otherwise not possible. Through the ayurvedic intervention in one’s life, you can be guaranteed to receive a number of net positive results. Even with something as complex and inevitable as ageing, Ayurveda can help make it better. Not only that, it also impacts and decreases the manner in which one’s body is impacted by the prospect of ageing.


One can receive Ayurveda treatment by approaching any of the established massage centre in Slough. It is extremely important that as soon as one starts to see the signs of ageing, one employs and adopts various Ayurveda treatments to curb its effects. As you grow older, it is important to start taking care of your body, and Ayurveda can help accomplish just that. 

There are a number of tips and techniques you can adopt and employ to combat the way ageing impacts your body. Some of them are as follows:


  • You need to start putting oil on everything – and we mean everything. From the hair on your head to the tips of your toes, even in food. We also recommend using coconut oil as a hand moisturiser.


  • By eating more thoroughly cooked foods and hearty meals, you can improve digestion as well as provide nourishment to your body. 


  • It is also extremely important to remember to hydrate your body with water. It is important to note that one must drink at least six to eight glasses of water each day. 


  • You must keep your body active, especially if you have a sedentary lifestyle. In order to maintain the strength of your body, it is important to have a set routine. Even a series of joint rotations known as the dasha chalana is better than doing nothing.


  • Meditation exists at the core of Ayurveda. If you want to decrease the impact of ageing on your body, you need to learn how to be with yourself. With the help of meditation, you can reduce the elevated levels of anxiety and stress in the body. By reducing these levels, you can prevent the adverse effects both of these have on the body physically as well as mentally.


  • By connecting with the community, you allow yourself to exist in your purest form. Not only will this allow a channel wherein you can vent out your frustrations, but by having a tight-knit circle of like-minded people, you will be more likely to stick to the various teachings of Ayurveda in your life. Ayurveda recognises that man is a tribal animal; therefore, having a community around you that supports and lets you flourish is a much-needed aspect of making certain that you can decrease the impact of ageing on your body. 

As we age, it becomes extremely important to take care of our bodies – you need to make certain that you are not letting old age leave a lasting impact on the functioning of your body. With the services offered by Ananta Ayurveda, you will be able to achieve that. You can book an appointment at our massage centre in Slough to not only receive the best possible treatment but also find a perfect harmony for the functioning of your body. 


Ayurveda Yoga

How are Yoga and Ayurveda Related?


Ayurveda and Yoga are major components of ancient history that are practised to date to promote physical, mental and spiritual upliftment. These ancient practices are different branches of life, but both of them have the same Vedic roots originating from India. Their approach to good health and well-being resembles various ways. In this blog, we will learn about the connection between Ayurveda and Yoga, which will support the reasons for adopting both these practices for the betterment of your life. 

How do Ayurveda and Yoga Coincide?

The focus of both Yoga and Ayurveda is the cultivation of sattva in order to have clarity of mind and enhance your ability to address and differentiate between various emotions and psychological conditions. One can acquire healing and relief through Ayurveda for various health conditions and enhance productivity by including Yoga and meditation in one’s life

Ayurvedic Yoga helps an individual to effectively understand the framework of Prakriti, Vikriti and Gunas to determine the needs and challenges of your body, allowing you to lead a healthy life. 

Learning about Ayurvedic helps you deal with chronic diseases by maintaining health-related imbalances in the body. 

It is essential to know that both Yoga and Ayurveda have been interconnected forevermore, and the more you understand their connection, the better you will be able to employ their healthy practices on yourself to foster healthy results. 

The Philosophical and Spiritual Connection Between Ayurveda and Yoga

Yoga and Ayurveda play an intertwined role in contributing to the healing of mind, body and soul. Ayurveda primarily focuses on maintaining physical health by identifying the cause and providing treatment with nature’s touch, whereas Yoga prioritises relaxation of the mind by clearing impeding thoughts and purifying consciousness. 

Adapting to the practices separately does show you positive results; however, both practices complement each other well, fostering a much more effective result that rejuvenates your mind, body and soul. Ayurveda and Yoga are derived from Vedas and ancient Sanskrit texts that have existed for centuries. 

The Teachings of Ayurveda and Yoga

Ayurveda and Yoga are both ancient practices that incorporate the Vedic teachings. The origin of Yoga comes from Yajur Veda, while the ultimate Ayurvedic rejuvenation originated from Atharva Veda and  Rigveda. 

Both practices concentrate on the significance of maintaining a healthy body and mind to achieve the four aims of life known as Dharma (duty), Kama (desire), Artha (wealth) and Moksha (Liberation).

Yoga and Ayurveda understand that balancing doshas (tumours), dhatus (tissues), and malas (waste products leads to a healthy life. Both these ancient practices promote the use of diet, herbs, asanas, meditations, pranayama, mantras, astrology, prayer and puja (worship), along with rituals to maintain optimal healing of the body and ensure a healthy life. 

The Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Combining Ayurveda and Yoga

It is only now that the world is coming to know about the magical results of both these practices. 

Yoga is a relaxing form of asanas and pranayama, along with mantras and prayer, that allows mental health to be in an optimal state.  Mind is the operating system of our body that can be corrupted by anxiety and stress. With Yoga, you enter a state of peace, which allows you to connect with your own self thoroughly.

Ayurveda focuses on the rest of your health by using natural herbs, shrubs, and massages to free your body from the intense pressure of your day-to-day responsibilities. It primarily works on strengthening your immune system, allowing your body to fight against the medical condition and lead a healthy life. 

Transform with Ananta Ayurveda by indulging in these ancient practices and be free from stress, anxiety and physical conditions for the rest of your life.


Ananta Ayurveda is there for the Betterment of your and your Baby’s Health


We, at Ananta Ayurveda, provide one of the best and most prominent methods of healthcare. We will assist in transforming your healthcare experience with the healthy benefits of Ayurveda. During pregnancy, it is difficult for women to manage the initial nausea of the first trimester. It gets exceptionally hard to manage alongside the excessive highs and lows of the hormones and the bone-breaking fatigue of the first trimester. Any massage centre in Slough provides the best massage services that can give a pregnant woman a huge sigh of relief and comfort during this stressing phase. We provide these services as they will assist in nurturing your health and baby’s health.


  1. Usually, you are forbidden to watch movies with violent scenes, sudden noises, and disturbing news stories. These types of violent activities can affect your health as well as the baby’s. During this phase, we provide the services and the environment where you will be safe and secure. 


We can provide acupuncture treatment, which is a way of relaxing and jump-starting the healing process of the body. You will see that your senses are more enhanced than most of us. We are capable of providing all the facilities during the services, like if you want to listen to any music or listen to any podcasts, which will uplift your mood.


  1. It is difficult to get through the crushing fatigue. Talking with other people will help you get through the fatigue. So, we will help you in connecting with the other women. Your communication with them, either virtually or face to face, will give you an insight into everything. Talking with them will assist you in a better understanding of the practical and yogic benefits.


  1. The massage centre in Slough will help you stay body-positive through the pregnancy phase with various exercises or movements like yoga, dance, and stretching. The exercises will help you to be in shape. We will give you a proper diet plan for your nourishment to keep the baby healthy. Your diet will be high in essential nutrients such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and a number of other things that will provide nourishment to the growing child.


We have developed an application that will help you get a report of your condition. It will develop a sense of confidence in you when you know that you are making progress. Our app will help you by providing recommendations for diet, exercise or any minor activity you can perform. 


Ayurveda usually helps cultivate the well-being of the person by developing appropriate eating and sleeping habits. We will provide you with the medications to keep you calm and relaxed during the pregnancy phase. At Ananta Ayurveda, we provide you with the best treatment options along with massage services.


How An Ayurvedic Consultation Helps In Understanding Your Bodies


Over 5000 years, the practice of Ayurveda has been followed to treat individuals in natural ways. It is considered the oldest and most traditional Indian science of medicine. Before the invention of allopathy medicine, ayurvedic treatments were widely followed to diagnose and treat people. There are a number of techniques by which a person gets diagnosed under Ayurveda. The most used way to diagnose people is the process of Ashtavidha Pariksha. The word “Ashtavidha” is known as eight, and the word “Parisha” stands for exam. Our Ayurvedic medical doctors still follow the process at the massage centre in Slough.  

In the process of the eightfold exam, the eight body functions and areas are tested to know the root cause of the problem. The testing method under Ayurveda primarily reveals imbalances occurring in doshas that are causing problems. You can gain insight into your diet and healthy lifestyle through a consultation with an Ayurvedic expert. These areas and body functions get diagnosed in a consultation session with an Ayurvedic-certified doctor.  

  • Pulse 

The first step, followed by eight-fold techniques, is testing and feeling an individual’s pulse. Through the finger, the Ayurvedic doctor feels the pulse as with the first finger, vata is felt; with the middle finger, pitta is felt, and Kapha is thought under the ring finger. The difference in qualities and nature of pulse reveals imbalances in doshas. Dry, light, cold, feeble, stable and mobile are some of the ways to measure by which pulse rate is checked.  


Under Ayurveda, urine is considered a way to understand more about bodily functions. When you first urinate in the morning, the colour of the urine indicates your overall well-being. You may feel uncomfortable talking about urine with the doctor, but it plays a vital role in diagnosing. So, freely and comfortably consult with our Ayurvedic-certified practitioners. 

  • Bowel Movement 

Topics like urine and bowel movement are uncomfortable to discuss, but they reveal crucial details about your digestive health. Consistency of bowel movement represents a lot as a constipated stomach depicts vata is present, and loose stools depict pitta. However, sludgy stools reveal Kapha’s presence.  You can have smooth bowel movements by having lemon in boiled water first in the morning.   

  • Tongue  

Your tongue depicts a lot about your body. As cracking depicts vata, redness reveals pitta and round-tipped tongue indicates Kapha. So, through the shape and size of the tongue, an ayurvedic practitioner at our massage centre in Slough learns about the condition of the body. 

  • Sounds in the Body  

Some sensations in the body, like gurgling in the stomach and cracking of joints, reveal an imbalance in vata dosha. So, factors like voice or other body sensations depict a lot about your body to your Ayurvedic practitioner. 

  • Eyes  

The colour of the eye is also a primary factor in knowing the condition of doshas in the body. If you have redness or itchiness in the eye, it may reveal imbalances in dosha. You can book a consultation with an Ayurvedic practitioner. Their expertise will help you understand your body’s condition more comprehensively. 

  • Nails  

Nails also reveals about three doshas. Different conditions like brittle nails and dry skin reveal vata in the body. However, you have noticed a change in your nails or skin that may be due to imbalances in doshas. A certified practitioner will help you understand more about the condition of the body. 

  • General Appearance 

Lastly, your body’s shape, colour, and texture also say a lot about the imbalances in doshas. Your body also reflects which dosha controls your body, and an Ayurvedic expert can help you understand your body more. Their guidance can help you manage a healthy lifestyle.  

If any significant issue comes to the practitioner’s notice during diagnosis, they will further guide you with ways to manage the problem. In short, you can visit our Ayurvedic centre and can contact practitioners for a thorough diagnosis.


Which are the 5 herbs that effectively treat Irritable Bowel syndrome?


According to the ayurvedic doctor in Cippenham, “ If an individual is persistently suffering from the following issues, then it indicates that they are suffering from the irritable bowel syndrome: 

  • Abdominal Pain 
  • Intestinal Spasms
  • Diarrhoea
  • Constipation 
  • Bloating 
  • Flatulence 
  • Indigestion”


Note: Whenever you notice the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, then it is suggested to immediately show up at the ayurvedic clinic in Cippenham


In today’s article, we are going to talk about 5 herbs that have been proven to provide instant relief from irritable bowel syndrome. 



This herb is super beneficial as it provides the following benefits: 

  • Pain Relief 
  • Comfort 


This herb has special anti-spasdamic properties that not only help to treat irritable bowel syndrome but also help to alleviate anxiety and stress. It does not only provide relaxation to the intestines but it also treats the following: 

  • Diarrhoea
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Dyspepsia
  • Flatulence 


Aloe Vera

The transparent gel which is acquired from the leaves of the aloe vera is one of the best remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The anti-inflammatory properties of the aloe vera juice are essential for effectively treating the following problems: 

  • Constipation 
  • Diarrhoea


Whichever intake way is convenient for you, go with that. Try to have the aloe vera juice by adding salt to it (if you are not a BP patient).



The pungent smell of the ginger can open your eyes if you are not feeling refreshed. The consumption of ginger provides great relief from gastrointestinal irritation. The stomach muscles are strengthened with ginger consumption. With ginger, the stomach acid gets prevented from getting back flown. 


Fennel Seeds

The fennel plant is greatly known for its carminative and superb anti-inflammatory properties. These have a perfectly distinct taste that provides great relief from indigestion. 


One great way: 

Soak the fennel seeds in the water. Drink the strained water. The regular intake of this will provide you ultimate relief. It is suggested to provide this water to your tiny tots regularly during the summers. 


Now you must be wondering, what about the winters? 

Then you can substitute the cumin seeds for the fennel. Cumin water is also known to intensify your appetite and treat irritable bowel syndrome. 



The Curcuma longa plant from which turmeric is obtained is known for providing antiseptic properties. No wonder why Indian mothers prefer to provide ‘Haldi-milk’ to their children. 

Did you know? 

If the pieces of the fresh turmeric are taken along with the jaggery or are added as a powder in some of the specific diets, then it helps to treat the IBS most effectively. 


Final Comments! 

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If you want to know more such information, then keep on reading our articles. We shall try to make you acquainted with the best informative points in this regard.


Enhance Productivity By Including Yoga And Meditation In Your Lives.


According to Ayurveda, the driving forces of our lives are positive energy and a healthy lifestyle. Both these actions are the core of happy and healthier living. If you can master this form of living, you can achieve any milestone. Positive energy helps regulate productive thoughts and also manages the cognitive behaviour of your brain. For a healthy lifestyle, adopt ayurvedic and yogic practices and regularly perform meditation for improvement. 


We have a specially designed programme to teach individuals some essential yoga poses to enhance their lifestyle. We also include some meditation practices to relieve stress and anxiety. At our massage centre in Slough, you will get to see how Ayurveda uses all-natural procedures to cure and heal. You will be refreshed and relished with a meditation session at our centre. It helps in relaxing your mind and soul. 


For many physiological disorders, the calming practices like yoga and meditation are proven as the best remedies. They are natural and help you fill with positive thoughts and high spirits. Our massage centre in Slough offers a wide range of practices to deal with numerous physiological disorders. Hectic schedules and exploited city environments increase anxiety and start making you feel exhausted. Get relaxation therapy and meditation rounds to improve your mental health. With therapies, we guide you about the types of diet changes that must be made to your diet for improved digestion. It helps stimulate the metabolism of the body.  


At Ananta Ayurvedic you will experience a strong connection with nature. Meet our experts and learn about Ayurveda’s holistic approach. Get several tips to improve your lifestyle. Learn to deal with anxiety and get counselling for depression. If you are facing any emotional stress, then come to our centre and be part of our meditation and yoga session.


Shiro Abhyanga: A Holistic Approach To Boost Well-Being


Ayurveda offers numerous health benefits to cure and rejuvenate the body. The medicated oils and herbs used in ayurvedic massages are naturally extracted from nature. According to the holistic approach of Ayurveda, our bodies are closely related to nature. Natural substances have many health benefits that not only cure but also boost overall well-being. Abhyanga, Panchakarma, Udwarthana, Kati Vasti, and Shiro Abhyanga are some of the major ayurvedic messages that help relish the body. You can experience any of the massages at the best massage centre in Slough to relieve stress. 


Shiro Abhyanga is an ayurvedic therapy that primarily focuses on relaxing the brain and muscles around the neck. During the procedure, herbal medicated oils are applied to the head, and massages are performed with gentle hand movements. During massages, which take approximately 15 to 30 minutes, different hand gestures are performed to relax the nerves of the brain. The oils also help nourish the scalp, which promotes hair growth. It can be practiced daily or on occasion to treat several headaches and insomnia issues. This massage is performed mainly for stress and pain relief at Ananta Ayurveda.  


Doshas primarily control bodies, and Shiro Abhyanga helps place Vata Dosha back to an optimum level. Vata Dosha acts as a pioneer in all three dosha; it is essential to keep it in balance. You will experience clarity in your sense organs after performing therapy at our massage centre in Slough. It promotes sound sleep, which relaxes the body and eliminates the growth of stress hormones. Blood circulation and nutrition supply to brains also gets improved which lead to enhanced productivity in your day to day life activities. It helps calm brain muscles and gives you a refreshing feeling. 


Experience the best relaxation experience at our centre, where we prioritize your well-being. Learn about more ayurvedic advantages on the body. We also provide a brief guide to enable you to learn yoga and meditation that you can perform at home. Our holistic approach will help you connect better with nature. Establish connections with nature and improve health, call us or visit for soothing therapies. 



Ultimate Ayurvedic Rejuvenation!



Ayurvedic massages are the best for resolving chronic pain in the back or knee area. Ananta Ayurveda provides you with the best ayurvedic procedures, such as Kati Vasti, Geera Vasti, and Janu Vasti. All these three therapies are performed differently to relieve pain.  


Kati Vasti is best for lumbar pain. In this therapy, massages are done with warm oil, which helps to relax muscles. These oils have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce swelling in the tissues around the spine. It helps relieve tightness and stiffness in the muscles, which efficiently promotes body movement. It is also best for post-recovery from any surgery as it increases blood flow circulation in the body. 


Another therapy at Ananta Ayurveda is Geera Vasti, which helps treat osteoporosis and which stimulates pain in the cervical region. It helps in nourishing the muscle tissues and bones to improve flexibility. Massaging the area around your shoulders and neck makes you feel relaxed.  


Knee joint pain is common. The third therapy, Janu Vasti, is chosen to relieve pain in the knee joint. It also helps in treating ligament tears. Say goodbye to knee pain with us and improve the body’s movements. It also helps in lubricating and enhancing blood circulation in the lower part of the body. 


Choose us when any of the therapies are needed. Consult our physiotherapist to know more about the therapies and their benefits. You can visit us to experience soothing full-body massages with herbal ayurvedic oils to refresh you. 


Rejuvenate & Renew with Abhyanga Therapy


Abhyanga Massage Therapy is one of the most well-loved treatments offered under Ayurveda. It helps in the rejuvenation process of the whole body. This massage is done in the direction of the blood vessels with the help of warm oil. More often than not, the whole body is covered with oil – from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.


There are numerous health benefits to receiving this massage if one also follows the routine intake of Ayurvedic herbs alongside. From bloatedness to general body fatigue, Abhyanga Therapy provides relief for various aspects of our bodily concerns. This massage provides immense solace to any individual with chronic pain, as it works on strained muscles. The warm oil releases the tension stored in the muscles. The usage of oil is central to Abhyanga – in order to facilitate the best results possible.


Abhyanga also releases our body’s natural painkillers, endorphins, which aid in fighting any sore spots. This massage procedure also helps prepare one’s body for detoxification. It also helps in fending off any and all cravings from one’s body and mind. After going through this therapy, the body’s natural cravings are reduced significantly.


Ananta Ayurveda provides a thorough and professional service of Abhyanga massage. We also recommend Ayurvedic herbs on a case-by-case basis, as per your body’s requirements. Book your session with Ananta Ayurveda today to revitalize your body!