Any information on any of the Ayurvedic Products, Ayurvedic treatment, Ayurvedic Medicines, or other services given on the Ananta Ayurveda website is for educational purposes only. Ayurvedic products should be consumed only after Ayurvedic consultation with an Ayurvedic Practitioner. If there is mention of heavy metals or some prohibited/ restricted plants in any of the Ayurvedic Products on our website, the reader should understand that these products are not used, prescribed, or sold by Ananta Ayurveda in the UK.
Readers should not presume that all of the products mentioned on the website are availablefor prescription or dispensing in the UK. The uses and indications of these herbal productsmentioned on the website are rooted in historical claims over the years and traditionalAyurvedic textbooks. These Ayurvedic medicines should not be used as self-medication oronline purchase. Ayurvedic medicines should not be taken without Ayurvedic Consultation.We at Ananta Ayurveda, do not accept any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,currency, or completeness of the information provided.To get positive effects Ayurvedic herbal products should be supplemented with anappropriate diet and lifestyle. Ayurveda medicine may be generally considered safe ifconsumed under the strict supervision of a qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner.By no means do the services offered by Ananta Ayurveda come under the term MedicalDoctors and nor are our personnel or establishment registered with the UK General MedicalCouncil.
The term doctor, if at all used on our site, refers to and represents only those individuals who have an Ayurveda Doctor’s qualification, recognized in India, after achieving the Bachelor of Ayurveda Medical & Surgery (BAMS) degree – which is an integrated undergraduate program that covers a wide range of subjects of traditional Ayurveda – in a professional college recognized by the Government of India. The five-and-a-half year-long, full-time university study course also includes the one-year mandatory internship. Ayurveda is currently recognized in the UK as a Complementary Health Medicine. Leading practitioners at Ananta Ayurveda have the Accredited Membership of – the Ayurvedic Practitioners Association, UK (APA, UK) or the British Association of Accredited Ayurvedic Practitioners (BAAAP) or other such professional organisations. Reasonable attention has been given to the preparation of this website “Ananta Ayurveda”. Ananta Ayurveda cannot warrant the accuracy of the data available on this website. All content found on the Ananta Ayurveda’s website, including: Video, images, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. The details available on this site aren’t intended to be a replacement for professional diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice and will not be considered that way. Those who visit the Ananta Ayurveda website should:- Always consult a qualified health practitioner with any questions you’ll have regarding a medical condition. Never delay seeking medical advice, disregard professional medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment just because of something you have got to read on this website. Never depend upon the details on this website as an alternative to medical advice from a certified Ayurvedic doctor/ homeopathic practitioner or any other healthcare provider. Ananta Ayurveda’s website may contain health or medical-related materials or treatment information. If you discover these materials offensive, you’ll not want to use our site. the website and its contents are available on “is as ” grounds. Given possible human error or advances in medical knowledge, Ananta Ayurveda cannot and doesn’t warrant that the information contained in our web pages is in every respect accurate or complete. Accordingly, Ananta Ayurveda isn’t and can not be held responsible or accountable for any errors or omissions which will be found in any of the information on this website. Links provided on our website to other Internet websites are given for the user’s convenience and don’t warrant the information on those websites, or any related person, business, service, or product. Ananta Ayurveda may make improvements and/or changes within the materials contained in or described on this website at any time.