What are Ayurveda doshas?
Doshas are different variants that regulate different functions in mind and body. Each individual has these doshas and deeper understanding of these energies can lead to overall well being, increased vitality and inner harmony. When a person is born, they come with a specific combination of doshas that are crucial in managing balance between daily life and inner harmony.
The three doshas
The three doshas named Vata, Pitta and Kapha that govern mental, emotional and physical state of well being show their primary qualities. Let’s dive into each of them.
- Vata (air and ether)
Vata controls movements such as breathing and circulation. People with Vata tend to be fully energetic and have creativity in mind. They also learn quickly.
- Pitta (fire and water)
This dosha focuses on the metabolism and digestion of the body. Settled and well-balanced dosha offers determination and intelligence, and high pitta results in impatience or anger in the person.
- Kapha (earth and water)
Kapha with elements of water and earth have control over stability and lubrication of the body. When the Kapha dosha is in balance it provides the body with strength, contentment, and a calm mind.
What happens when these doshas are imbalanced
When doshas are imbalanced, it can lead to the accumulation of toxins known in Ayurveda as ‘ama’ in the body.
- Symptoms of Vata imbalance
If a person has an imbalance in Vata, it’s common to experience issues such as dry, rough skin and interrupted sleep. The person may also feel constipation and sleep disturbances occasionally.
- Symptoms of Pitta imbalance
Issues such as loose motions or diarrhoea, red burning, sensations, and skin with rashes are mostly linked to Pitta imbalance. Pitta’s inherent heat and inflammation can lead to skin issues, including eczema and rosacea.
- Symptoms of Kapha imbalance
Physical signs such as water retention, sensitivity to cold, fatigue, joint stiffness are symbolised when the Kapha is out of balance. Some mental and emotional signs like overacting and depression are also seen when the person has a body with unmaintained Kapha.
When doshas are in balance, they contribute to overall well being including mental ease and relief from chronic conditions. Let’s take a look at some of the approaches to get doshas in balance.
- For Vata
Avoid inflammatory oils such as vegetable oils, refined oil, canola oil and fried foods. Instead, opt for healthy fats like ghee. These help with digestion and lead to balanced Vata.
- For Pitta
Fresh fruits and vegetables are best for Pitta as they have cooling properties that help calm down the fiery nature of this dosha. These foods are helpful because they can soothe inflammation and aid digestion. Beyond diet, activities such as yoga, meditation and swimming are highly beneficial.
- For Kapha
A light and easily digestible diet is ideal for balancing Kapha. This food supports metabolism and provides nourishing energy without overwhelming the digestive system.
Benefits of balancing doshas
Maintaining these doshas balances offers a holistic array of benefits.
- Increased energy levels
Balanced doshas support optimal functioning of the body systems, which means better digestion and effective nutrient absorption,
- Improves mental clarity
When the doshas are in balance, they give you the proper clarity of mind while allowing you to have a proper, centred state of mind.
- Holistic harmony
Achieving doshas in balance, not only improves the day to day health but also fosters a deeper connection with one self, contributing to long term wellness and resilience.
Ayurvedic treatment at Ananta Ayurveda
Our highly trained team at Ananta Ayurveda is deeply knowledgeable about dosha and tips to manage the same. We understand the intricacies of maintaining doshas in balance and are dedicated to offering personalised solutions. Let us know how we can support you on your journey to health.