How An Ayurvedic Consultation Helps In Understanding Your Bodies



Over 5000 years, the practice of Ayurveda has been followed to treat individuals in natural ways. It is considered the oldest and most traditional Indian science of medicine. Before the invention of allopathy medicine, ayurvedic treatments were widely followed to diagnose and treat people. There are a number of techniques by which a person gets diagnosed under Ayurveda. The most used way to diagnose people is the process of Ashtavidha Pariksha. The word “Ashtavidha” is known as eight, and the word “Parisha” stands for exam. Our Ayurvedic medical doctors still follow the process at the massage centre in Slough.  

In the process of the eightfold exam, the eight body functions and areas are tested to know the root cause of the problem. The testing method under Ayurveda primarily reveals imbalances occurring in doshas that are causing problems. You can gain insight into your diet and healthy lifestyle through a consultation with an Ayurvedic expert. These areas and body functions get diagnosed in a consultation session with an Ayurvedic-certified doctor.  

  • Pulse 

The first step, followed by eight-fold techniques, is testing and feeling an individual’s pulse. Through the finger, the Ayurvedic doctor feels the pulse as with the first finger, vata is felt; with the middle finger, pitta is felt, and Kapha is thought under the ring finger. The difference in qualities and nature of pulse reveals imbalances in doshas. Dry, light, cold, feeble, stable and mobile are some of the ways to measure by which pulse rate is checked.  


Under Ayurveda, urine is considered a way to understand more about bodily functions. When you first urinate in the morning, the colour of the urine indicates your overall well-being. You may feel uncomfortable talking about urine with the doctor, but it plays a vital role in diagnosing. So, freely and comfortably consult with our Ayurvedic-certified practitioners. 

  • Bowel Movement 

Topics like urine and bowel movement are uncomfortable to discuss, but they reveal crucial details about your digestive health. Consistency of bowel movement represents a lot as a constipated stomach depicts vata is present, and loose stools depict pitta. However, sludgy stools reveal Kapha’s presence.  You can have smooth bowel movements by having lemon in boiled water first in the morning.   

  • Tongue  

Your tongue depicts a lot about your body. As cracking depicts vata, redness reveals pitta and round-tipped tongue indicates Kapha. So, through the shape and size of the tongue, an ayurvedic practitioner at our massage centre in Slough learns about the condition of the body. 

  • Sounds in the Body  

Some sensations in the body, like gurgling in the stomach and cracking of joints, reveal an imbalance in vata dosha. So, factors like voice or other body sensations depict a lot about your body to your Ayurvedic practitioner. 

  • Eyes  

The colour of the eye is also a primary factor in knowing the condition of doshas in the body. If you have redness or itchiness in the eye, it may reveal imbalances in dosha. You can book a consultation with an Ayurvedic practitioner. Their expertise will help you understand your body’s condition more comprehensively. 

  • Nails  

Nails also reveals about three doshas. Different conditions like brittle nails and dry skin reveal vata in the body. However, you have noticed a change in your nails or skin that may be due to imbalances in doshas. A certified practitioner will help you understand more about the condition of the body. 

  • General Appearance 

Lastly, your body’s shape, colour, and texture also say a lot about the imbalances in doshas. Your body also reflects which dosha controls your body, and an Ayurvedic expert can help you understand your body more. Their guidance can help you manage a healthy lifestyle.  

If any significant issue comes to the practitioner’s notice during diagnosis, they will further guide you with ways to manage the problem. In short, you can visit our Ayurvedic centre and can contact practitioners for a thorough diagnosis.