Ayurveda emphasizes upon healthy diet plan against the hair fall problem

Ayurveda diet plan hair fall hair loss

Ayurveda emphasizes upon healthy diet plan against the hair fall problem


Ayurvedic diet for hair loss

Hair loss is one of the widespread problems common among individuals of every age group. Primarily, it’s the imbalance of pitta dosha that aggravates the problem adversely. To balance the same, it’s important to follow a healthy and balanced diet plan to reduce the severity of the situation. For healthier and stronger hair, it’s important to keep your diet properly managed and balanced to resolve the issue on time. There’s a possibility the condition is temporary, and with the right regimen, the hair loss state can be managed effectively. 

Important food to include in your diet plan

Some of the important food that you should include in your diet plan should include zinc, acids, vitamins, and other essential nutrients. Some of the important protein-rich diets you should have are:

  • Soybean 
  • Ghee
  • Grains like millet, quinoa, Kamut, polenta, amaranth, and other
  • Soaked nuts & seeds
  • Seasonal vegetables and fruits
  • Some the healthy spices like fennels, saffron, coriander, and are cumin

It’s better that you have high-fiber-rich food to help your body stay healthy and ensure the hair gets all the essential nutrients that it needs. 

List of food you should not eat as it increases hair fall

It includes:

  • Spicy and hot fried food with white sugar
  • Meats
  • Sour food, junk food
  • Preservative food and artificial food
  • White flour

Struggling with hair fall?

If your hair fall does not seem to get under control, then it’s better to try out all the natural and effective options as suggested by Ayurveda to help it get in a balanced state. At Ananta Ayurveda, under the supervision of our Ayurvedic practitioner, you will get the most effective plan for your hair fall problem.


Which are the most effective Ayurvedic regimens for youth and vitality?


For a healthy and fit body, there are a number of mindful things that you need to do. From keeping your diet well-balanced to ensuring you don’t involve yourself in unwanted practices, there are various things that allow you to be in a better state. And that’s why following Ayurveda allows your body to be in a well-rounded state offering effective benefits. As per Ayurveda, there are a few important regimens you need to follow to improve your overall energy. 

Ayurvedic regimen for youth and vitality 

Here are some of the essential Ayurvedic practices that you should follow in your daily regime are:

  • Immediately upon getting up, you should brush your teeth and scrape your tongue. The said practice allows the removal of all the toxins from the body and lets the body get into a healthy state. 
  • Splash clean water on the eyes as it helps improve eyesight and allows mental well-being to become active.
  • You should exercise every day to keep yourself active and healthy. 
  • Follow the practice of eating a sattvic diet as it allows the body to respond properly. It’s better that you eat food when the body has the desired urge. 
  • Make sure to include turmeric as an important part of your diet to clear the infection, improve joint function, and let the inflammation get in a balanced state. 
  • You should meditate every day as it allows the body to get in a balanced and healthy state. 
  • Add Triphala to your diet, as it’s an important choice for your well-being. 

Do you have any doubts?

In case you are having some kind of health-related concern, then schedule an initial consultation at Ananta Ayurveda to get your well-being in the right state.