How are Yoga and Ayurveda Related?

Ayurveda Yoga


Ayurveda and Yoga are major components of ancient history that are practised to date to promote physical, mental and spiritual upliftment. These ancient practices are different branches of life, but both of them have the same Vedic roots originating from India. Their approach to good health and well-being resembles various ways. In this blog, we will learn about the connection between Ayurveda and Yoga, which will support the reasons for adopting both these practices for the betterment of your life. 

How do Ayurveda and Yoga Coincide?

The focus of both Yoga and Ayurveda is the cultivation of sattva in order to have clarity of mind and enhance your ability to address and differentiate between various emotions and psychological conditions. One can acquire healing and relief through Ayurveda for various health conditions and enhance productivity by including Yoga and meditation in one’s life

Ayurvedic Yoga helps an individual to effectively understand the framework of Prakriti, Vikriti and Gunas to determine the needs and challenges of your body, allowing you to lead a healthy life. 

Learning about Ayurvedic helps you deal with chronic diseases by maintaining health-related imbalances in the body. 

It is essential to know that both Yoga and Ayurveda have been interconnected forevermore, and the more you understand their connection, the better you will be able to employ their healthy practices on yourself to foster healthy results. 

The Philosophical and Spiritual Connection Between Ayurveda and Yoga

Yoga and Ayurveda play an intertwined role in contributing to the healing of mind, body and soul. Ayurveda primarily focuses on maintaining physical health by identifying the cause and providing treatment with nature’s touch, whereas Yoga prioritises relaxation of the mind by clearing impeding thoughts and purifying consciousness. 

Adapting to the practices separately does show you positive results; however, both practices complement each other well, fostering a much more effective result that rejuvenates your mind, body and soul. Ayurveda and Yoga are derived from Vedas and ancient Sanskrit texts that have existed for centuries. 

The Teachings of Ayurveda and Yoga

Ayurveda and Yoga are both ancient practices that incorporate the Vedic teachings. The origin of Yoga comes from Yajur Veda, while the ultimate Ayurvedic rejuvenation originated from Atharva Veda and  Rigveda. 

Both practices concentrate on the significance of maintaining a healthy body and mind to achieve the four aims of life known as Dharma (duty), Kama (desire), Artha (wealth) and Moksha (Liberation).

Yoga and Ayurveda understand that balancing doshas (tumours), dhatus (tissues), and malas (waste products leads to a healthy life. Both these ancient practices promote the use of diet, herbs, asanas, meditations, pranayama, mantras, astrology, prayer and puja (worship), along with rituals to maintain optimal healing of the body and ensure a healthy life. 

The Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Combining Ayurveda and Yoga

It is only now that the world is coming to know about the magical results of both these practices. 

Yoga is a relaxing form of asanas and pranayama, along with mantras and prayer, that allows mental health to be in an optimal state.  Mind is the operating system of our body that can be corrupted by anxiety and stress. With Yoga, you enter a state of peace, which allows you to connect with your own self thoroughly.

Ayurveda focuses on the rest of your health by using natural herbs, shrubs, and massages to free your body from the intense pressure of your day-to-day responsibilities. It primarily works on strengthening your immune system, allowing your body to fight against the medical condition and lead a healthy life. 

Transform with Ananta Ayurveda by indulging in these ancient practices and be free from stress, anxiety and physical conditions for the rest of your life.