Types of Massaging Techniques that improve the Overall Health

Massage Centre Stress Management


In this stress-thorough  world, everyone is finding it difficult to relax their body from the daily routine work or the hassle. If you are not focusing on resting your mind and your body, it can lead to long-term mental or physical issues. These issues can affect your ability to think clearly, and they also have a major effect on your performing your daily routine work. The best way to relax your body is through massage therapy. Ananta Ayurveda has proven that massage can de-stress all of your burdens related to work, life, or anything else. There are various types of massages or ayurvedic stress treatment options that can help your body heal overall.


Some of the major massaging techniques that can keep your body more relaxed, and could decrease overall stress levels are as follows:- 


  • Swedish massage is the oldest massage of all types, and it is also known as a classical massage. This core massage technique has led to the creation of all the other massage types. The Swedish massage is the best form of full body massage, and we recommend this to you if you prefer a gentle form of touch to your body. The gentle pressure applied to the body can release all the sore muscles with a combination of massaging techniques like kneading, vibration, tapping, and massaging in circular motions. The massage therapy can last for 60 to 90 minutes.

  • Shiatsu massage is a famous Japanese massaging technique, and it is prescribed for you if you are experiencing chronic pain in muscles or are experiencing signs of anxiety, stress or tension. These methods will promote your physical as well as emotional relaxation, which improves your quality of sleep and mood. It is identical to the Swedish massage type as it is done by pressure points that relieve excess tension from your body. The shiatsu massage also takes up to 60 or 90 minutes.


  • The next ayurvedic stress treatment is the aromatherapy massage, which provides a comprehensive experience for targeting your major health issues. This is a great option for those who prefer the massage with the use of essential oils. It improves the overall health of a person by reducing stress or anxiety. The oils that are used in this massaging technique can be directly applied or diffused onto your skin. Our professionals or therapists combine these essential oils by applying gentle pressure. This massage also takes the same amount of time as the Swedish or Shiatsu massage.


  • The deep tissue massage is different from the Swedish massage, which involves applying a bit more pressure on the stressing points or areas. This massage is a great option for treating the tightness or injury in your muscles and also for decreasing the levels of stress or anxiety. The therapists will use slower and deeper strokes, which will release the knots and tension from all of your deep connective tissues.


  • Hot stone massage therapy is a unique type of massage in which our therapists will place heated stones on different parts of your body. That heated stone will promote your adequate blood circulation, relaxation and healing capabilities. The size of these stones will be equal to the palm of your hand. Usually, all of the massages take about 60 to 90 minutes to complete.

To be free from unnecessary stress or tension, Ananta Ayurveda has brought out various massaging techniques that will heal your overall body functioning and help cure many mental problems. To de-stress and relax your body, book a massage appointment with us right now.