Dhara Treatments

The therapeutic effects of hair massage induce pleasure and this makes you forget your worldly worries and drift off to sleep faster. Shirodhara is a more relaxed and therapeutic head massage experience that offers immense physical and mental benefits. So if you think a head massage is great, Shirodhara is even better.
In this, a light head massage is given in the begining before dripping oil on the forehead to stimulate the marma points . And yes, it is just as relaxing as it sounds. In simple terms, Shirodhara therapy can be described as pouring medicated oil over the forehead. Let's understand the procedure in detail. In this Ayurvedic therapy, the person receiving the treatment lies down on the back. Next, warm, medicated oil is poured over the forehead from a certain height in the next step.The oil then flows around the forehead and down into the scalp, which is then gently massaged into the skin by therapist. While a regular head massage may induce sleep and relaxation and strengthen the hair follicles, Shirodhara's benefits go above and beyond.
It's a divine process that helps exfoliate dead skin, relieve stress, improve blood circulation, pacify elevated doshas and transport lymphatic fluids. When performed by an experienced practitioner, Shirodhara can help purge toxins, reduce mental fatigue and improve brain function. According to Ayurveda, Shirodhara treatment uses medicated oil, milk-based solution, herbal decoction, or aqueous formulation. It depends on the therapeutic benefits you seek."
Shiro Ksheera Dhara is a traditional Ayurvedic treatment that can feel so good, sometimes it is called “bliss therapy!” Shiro ksheera Dhara is performed for psychological disorders and physical illnesses. Shiro means head, Ksheera means medicated milk, and Dhara means continuous pouring of medicaments. Pouring of medicated milk continuously in a rhythmic stream on the forehead for a specific period is called Shiro Ksheera Dhara.
Shiro Takra Dhara "Shiro” means head, “Takra” means medicated buttermilk, and “Dhara” means pouring. Shiro Takra Dhara is a process in which medicated buttermilk is poured over the forehead maintaining a specific height, rhythm, and temperature, performed by one or two qualified therapists, which is being systematically prescribed by an Ayurvedic consultant.
- Activates Intuition
- Prevents Headache/ Migraine
- Improves Sleep
- Reduces Stress
- Pacifies Elevated Vata Dosha
- Improves Cognitive Abilities
- Prevents hairfall & boldness
- Soothes the nervousness and Improves blood circulation
- Delays aging
- Relaxes and Rejuvinate the mind and senses
Ayurvedic Massage and Panchkarma Therapies
Abhyanga Treatments
Abhyanga (Full body massage)

The complete therapy is done with herbalised oils, prepared according to the ancient Ayurvedic texts. This is known as Abhyanga and the oils used will be suitable for constitutional needs. The use of herbalised oils with specific benefits and specific techniques, help Abhyanga to provide relaxation and pain-relieving at the same time. Long relaxing strokes, triggers at pressure points, and other strokes that can address stiffness, knots, and relax the system are used to achieve desired results. Abhyanga provides lubrication to the skin, improves circulation, reduces stiffness, and provides calmness. It can be modified to address almost any need by using the right oil and right techniques. It can be done just once or repeatedly for several days as desired. A session of steam helps to boost the results.
Abhyanga is a Sanskrit terminology, which refers to the application of oil all over the body. Authentic Ayurvedic textbooks recommend this as an integral part of the daily life routine for all who want to maintain good health and energy levels. It is a deeply relaxing and refreshing whole body massage with medicated herbal oils to take good care of the physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing of the person while balancing the doshas. Practicing abhyanga regularly gives a profound feeling of stability, calm, strength, and well-being.
Here are several benefits associated with regular performance of this wonderful and effective treatment:
- Increased blood circulation, especially to nerve endings
- Toning of the muscles
- Lubrication of the joints
- Increased mental alertness
- Improved elimination of impurities from the body
- Softer and smoother skin
- Increased levels of stamina
- Better and deeper sleep at night
Abhyanga (Full body massage) with Swedana (Steam)

Herbal steam therapy allows herbalised steam to penetrate your body from the neck downwards, while your head is kept cool, as you sit comfortably in a wooden steam chamber. This therapy induces sweating to promote cleansing and detoxification of your body and supports the relief of pain and stiffness.
Paristha Abhiyanga (Back Massage or Local Massage)

Ayurvedic back massage is a special technique to relax muscles of your back and it is very effective if you are disturbed to backache especially lower backache. Ayurvedic massage therapist put pressure on various points of the back near the spinal cord, which helps you relax and get benefits of Marma therapy. You can find a great relaxation too if you are looking for relaxation through back massage. A tender touch of therapist helps your nerves to bliss and re-energize yourself. Ayurvedic back massage incorporates several forms of pressure and hand movements in addition to medicated herbal oils.
Siro Abhyanga (Indian Head massage)

Shiro Abhyanga, a Sanskrit term, is a combination of two words - Shiro meaning head and Abhyanga meaning massage. Hence, Shiro Abhyanga is defined as a complete massage and relaxation of the upper body involving the head, neck and shoulder regions. The areas of the upper body are most prone to stress.
- Helps prevent migraines, headaches
- Promotes hair growth.
- Prevents dandruff
- Detoxifies the body by stimulating lymphatic drainage.
- Relieves sleeplessness, restlessness, and insomnia.
- Relieves symptoms of anxiety and depression.
- Renews energy levels.
- Helps to release stress
- Prevents scalp dryness
- Prevents scalp psoriasis
- Boosts memory capabilities.
Pada Abhyanga (feet massage)

Pada Abhyanga is a specialized Ayurvedic therapy used to treat various ailments like sleeplessness, depression, anxiety, diabetic neuropathy, hypertension, heel pain, stiffness in the calf muscles, foot relaxation, and cracked feet.
“Pada” mean foot and “Abhyanga” means massage. Pada Abhyanga is a process in which massage is done by a qualified therapist on the feet with the help of medicated oil systematically prescribed by an Ayurvedic consultant.
- Improves blood circulation
- Improves sleep pattern
- Improves digestion
- Improves energy and stamina levels
- Improves liver functions
- Stimulates the nervous system
- Helps in controlling Diabetes and hypertension
Udwarthanam (Dry Powder Massage)

Udwarthanam is a specialized Ayurvedic therapy used to treat various ailments like Obesity, Varicosity, cellulitis, Lipoma, hormonal diseases, psychological disorders, etc.
The word Udwarthanam means rubbing. Udwarthanam is a process in which the whole body is rubbed by using herbal fine powders in an upward direction (against the hair follicles) by one or two qualified therapists in a systematic way.
Udvarthanam is also an important health preserving massage. It promotes active blood flow, it stumulates and reconditions the body. Fat reduction is one of the significant benefits in cases of obesity.
- Kaphaharam- Destroys morbid Kapha
- Vataharam- Destroys morbid Vata
- Medasaha pravilaapanam- Liquefies and mobilizes the stagnant morbid meda i.e. fats
- Stheerekaranam Anganaam- Provides stability to body parts
- Twak prasadakaram param- Rejuvenates the skin and brings freshness to it
- Dourgandhya haram- Alleviates foul smell
- Gouravaharam- Alleviates the heaviness of the body.
- Tandraharam- Removes drowsiness and brings freshness
- Kandu haram- Removes itching
- Malaharam- Removes dirt and dust
- Arochaka haram- Relieves from tastelessness
- Swedaharam- Removes excessive sweat
- Opens up the blocked channels, blood vessels, and transport system of the body and enables free circulation of nutrients and essentials in the body.
- Provides shine and complexion
- Sharira parimarjanam-Cleanses the body.
Kalari Marma Massage (Using Hands)

The Kalari Marma Massage is a highly specialized massage for the people involved in physical activities such as sports or martial arts. This is also known as sports Massage. It is excellent for relieving muscle pain, stress, arthritis, fatique, muscle weakness etc. It also promotes sound sleep and imporves the digestiona and metabolism of the body. It is also said to imporve blood circulation, bodys immunity and tones up the entire body. It can knock off excess fat, restore and repair worn out tissues, improve skin complexion and slow down the ageing process.
Kizhi (Pottli) Treatments
Pinda Sweda - Elakizhi

Elakizhi or Patrapotala swedam, is commonly done as part of the Ayurvedic panchakarma treatment though it can be used as a stand-alone treatment too. The benefits of this classic massage with medicated leaves includes relieving stiffness of muscles and joint pains, especially backache, lubricating joints, improving peripheral blood circulation, cleansing the channels of circulation and expelling toxins from the body.
Also known as leaf bag massage, this treatment makes use of fresh leaves.
- Improves blood circulation
- Improves skin complexion
- Increase muscle strength
- Relieves body/joint pains and stiffness
- It is anti aging and rejuvenating
Pinda Sweda - Podhikizhi

Podikizhi is a relaxing Ayurvedic therapy that uses a specific herbal powder made of suitable rejuvenating herbs. This herbal powder is tied up in a pouch or a ‘kizhi’ which is then warmed up and used for the massage on various parts of the body. Churna/podi means course or fine powder made of medicinal herbs. Pinda means a bolus. Sweda means Fomentation or sudation. The swedana karma or sudation therapy which is given by using a bolus which is prepared by the combination of different medicinal herb powder is called as Churna pinda sweda or Podi kizhi.
- Podikizhi increases the peripheral blood supply.
- It relieves body ache and strengthens muscles and skin.
- Reduces the inflammation of the joints.
- It acts as muscle relaxant and relieves joint stiffness .
- It is also a good technique for relaxation and reliving stress.
- It has detoxifier properties for the skin, removes the toxins through the pores of the skin, and lowers the tendency of skin diseases.
Pinda Sweda - Navarakizhi

Navarakizhi (Navara- Medicated rice; Kizhi- Bolus or Potli) is one of the most popular sweat inducing therapies which is used to relieve pain and stiffness in the muscles. It helps in improving muscle strength. Navarakizhi provides nourishment and strength to body tissues including bones, muscles and soft tissues. It is also used for the purpose of rejuvenation of the body .This type of massage is special due to the use of the milk and Navara (medicated rice). This therapy bestows many benefits to a healthy person as well as to the ill. “Navarakizhi” improves the complexion of the skin, promotes digestion and restores vigour.
- Balances the Vata and Pita dosha
- It rejuvenates and nourishes the body
- Navarakkizhi stimulates the nervous system
- Improves our skin condition
- Improves blood circulation
- This treatment is effective for Arthritis
- Very effective for Neurological disorders
- Relief from chronic muscular problems
Vasti Treatments
Janu vasti (Herbal treatment for Knee joint)

Janu Vasti is an ayurvedic therapy where the Janu (knee) is subjected to a therapy called Vasti (warm medicated oil placed over the knee joint). Vasti denotes “a compartment that holds” (in this case a pool of medicated oil).
Janu Vasti is a localized procedure to treat diseases of the knee joint. As an important weight-bearing joint, the knees are prone to a number of disorders. In this therapy, warm, medicated, Dosha-specific oil is kept in contact with the skin of the knee joint, for a particular amount of time, using a ‘well’ made of a special black gram dough. This rejuvenating therapy has an extremely soothing and healing effect on the skin, muscles, joints, bones, and underlying structures of the knee joint. It is an effective therapy to treat knee disorders.
Kati Vasti

The waist area of the body is called "Kati" Holding warm ayurvedic oils on the affected areas is called "Vasti". Kati Vasti involves retention of warm thick medicated oil over the lower back or other parts of the spine for certain period.The temperature of the oil is maintained reheating and continuously adding more oil.
- Alleviates numbness due to Sciatic nerve compression & most types of low-back pain
- Strengthens back muscles which maintain normal curvature of the spine the bone tissues.
- Effective treatment for any type of back pain & spinal disorders, stiffness and other back concerns related to spinal disc problems.
- Increases the circulation in the region & highly effective in inflammatory conditions.
- Kati Vasti alleviates lower back conditions like Lumber Spondylosis, Intervertebral disc prolapsed, Lumbago (a low backache), and Sciatica.
- Alleviates pain associated with fracture, dislocation, spinal tuberculosis and tumors.
- Strengthens the joints, muscles and soft tissues around and enables you to resume back your work and activities.
Kati Vasti can be taken as a preventive treatment also. It helps avoid problems related to back and keeps your spine healthy. As medicated oil gets deeply absorbed into the skin it both nourishes and strengthens the muscles and nerves. This is the one of the best treatment for healthy bone, muscle, vertebrae, spine, and nerves of the lower back.
Greva Vasti

Greeva Basti is a specialized Ayurvedic therapy used to treat various ailments like Musculoskeletal disorders Pain and stiffness in the neck, Cervical spondylitis, Disc bulge, Ankylosing spondylitis, Neurological disorders, etc.
“Greeva” means Cervical (neck) region and “vasti” means “that which holds”. Greeva Vasti is a procedure in which the specified medicated oil is retained for a stipulated period in the cervical region by creating a wall using black gram flour. It is done by one (if needed two) qualified therapist to the specific area of the cervical region with the help of medicated oil prescribed by an Ayurvedic consultant in a systematic way
- Increases the blood circulation to the neck region
- Relieves the neck stiffness
- Lubricates the cervical vertebral joints
- Helps to relieve the neck, shoulder, and upper limbs pain
- Reduces the swelling in the cervical region
- Reduces the radiating pain due to cervical spondylitis
- Relieves the numbness in the upper limbs
- Increase the muscles strength in the Neck region
Uro vasti (Herbal treatment for chest)

Uro Vasti is where the Urah (chest) is subjected to a therapy called Vasti (warm medicated oil—placed over the chest region). Vasti denotes “a compartment that holds”. Uro Basti is one of the most powerful and effective treatments in Ayurveda that aids in the healthy functioning of the heart. The treatment helps to nourish, strengthen and balance the heart functions and rejuvenate the heart area. High blood pressure, palpitations, and respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis or wheezing can also be treated with Uro Basti.
The person would be made to lie on the treatment table, on his back. A leak-proof mold, made up of Black Gram dough, is fixed over the heart region, on the chest. A lukewarm herbal medicated oil is slowly poured into that mold and let stay. The temperature is maintained by replacing the oil in the mold with warm oil at intervals. After the procedure, the mold is removed and the chest region is massaged gently for the better absorption of the medicine. The treatment duration is 30 minutes. This treatment provides relief from pain in the chest region, strengthens chest muscles and pacifies Vata Dosha. It also helps to remove the negative emotions such as unresolved anger, frustration, and sadness.
Mukhabhyanga (Marma Massage)

Mukha Abhyanga (Facial Massage), is an ayurvedic specialized massage using medicated oils with infused herbs. Massage is carried out with special concentration to Marmas (vital Points). Mukha abhyanga uses ayurvedic oils and freshly blended herbs to thoroughly cleanse, exfoliate, and nourish skin. Gentle extractions, nourishing earth masks, face, neck, arm and shoulder and marma healing bring radiant and balanced skin.
Benefits of Mukha Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Facial Massage)
- Helps preserve elasticity of all skin layers through this deep nourishment
- Melts all facial tension and relaxes the mind by gently stimulating marma points on the face
- Leaves you with an incredibly youthful glow
- Tones and tightens the skin
- Reduces sagging of skin
- Exfoliates the skin
- Removes toxins
- Includes neck and shoulder oil application
- Nourishes Facial muscle, Neck and shoulder Ligaments.
Netra Vasti (Herbal ghee treatment for Eyes)

The process of keeping Medicated ghee or oil in the eyes for a certain period of time is called Netra Vasti (Akshi tarpanam). It is the best purification & rejuvenation treatment of eye and sense organs. This procedure is useful in healthy as well as diseased people. In healthy people akshitapana is carried out to protect the eyes from degeneration due to the aging process and to improve the eyesight. The therapeutic effect is advocated for clients suffering from disease of the eye. The eye is considered to be a local route for drug administration. Thus akshi-tarpana gives desired results in clients suffering from eye disease.
- Reduces tensions, migraines and headaches
- Gives strength to the ocular muscles and nerves
- Opens the obstructed channels of the eyes and increases the blood circulation
- Improves vision
- Increases concentration and mental acuity
- Provides soothness to dry itchy eyes
- Refreshes tired eyes
- Eases wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes
- Slows the natural degeneration of the eyes
- Nourishes and rejuvenates eyes
- Enhances the beauty of the eyes

Ayurveda believes the nose to be the doorway to the head and our consciousness and it is the passageway in which the life force energy enters the body in the form of prana (oxygen) so the idea behind nasa is the keep this passageway clear and healthy so that there can be a free flow of energy. The nose is the preferred channel for treating various conditions of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, head and diseases above the chest. For example, headaches, migraines, sinusitis, dizziness, sleep disturbances, nasal polyps, frozen shoulder and many other conditions.
The use of a fatty medium such as ghee or oils allows the medicine/herbs to cross the blood-brain barrier. Dependent on the condition the medium will vary from use of decoctions, herbal oil or ghee based drops, supported with fumigation and/or steam treatments.
- Cleanses and opens the channels of the head and strengthens brain.
- Brings mind clarity, increased focus and concentration.
- Improves the quality and growth of hair.
- Delays ageing
- Around 72 disease of eyes mentioned in ayurveda can be cured through nasya karma.
Karna Purna

Karna Purna offers our potential clients the ability to rejuvenate their ear canals. This treatment ensures that you can pour warmed oil into your ear canals to ensure optimal health. There are several benefits of this treatment, including reducing dryness inside your ear, preventing ear infections, and making certain that you can relieve your headaches. Additionally, one might also thoroughly enhance their Vata with this treatment.
At Ananta Ayurveda, you can explore the option of undergoing this treatment procedure. Our team of experts will ensure that you thoroughly maintain the ideal health of your ear and jaw with this procedure.
Nabhi Purna

With Nabhi Purna, our team essentially uses Vata calming and rejuvenating oils. In this treatment procedure, medicated oils are used to fill the navel pit. We ensure these oils are lukewarm before they are used in the procedure. We ensure that the oil is not spilt and advise the patient to sleep through the procedure. This treatment procedure ensures you can effectively alleviate pain induced in the abdomen areas.
The Nabhi Purna also expels apana vayu, releasing gases trapped in your body. With the help of Ananta Ayurveda, you can make sure to undergo this treatment procedure meticulously.
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