What is Panchkarma?
Panchakarma is a treatment program for the body, mind and consciousness, that cleanses and rejuvenates. It is based on Ayurvedic principles, every human is unique phenomenon manifested through the five basic elements of Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Combination of these elements are three doshas (tridosha): Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, and their balance is unique to each individual. When this doshic balance is disturbed it creates disorder resulting in disease. Panchakarma is done individually for each person with their specific constitution and specific disorder in mind, thus it requires close observation and supervision. Treatment starts with pre-purification Measures of Snehan and Svedana, and then cleansing methods – Shodanas are applied.

Benefits of Panchkarma
- Eliminate toxins and toxic conditions from your body and mind.
- Restore your constitutional balance improving health and wellness.
- Strengthen your immune system and become more resistant to illness.
- Reverse the negative effects of stress on your body and mind thereby slowing the aging process.
- Bring about deep relaxation and a sense of well-being.