How Yoga Can Improve Your Stress Management

Ayurveda Stress Management

How Yoga Can Improve Your Stress Management

As life becomes more demanding, stress has become a common phenomenon affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. While there are numerous ways to manage stress, yoga is one of the most effective. At Ananta Ayurveda, a trusted ayurvedic clinic in Cippenham, we believe that the combination of yoga and meditation can have a significant impact on stress management.

In our yoga centre in Cippenham, we offer wide range of services where you can practice yoga in a tranquil environment. This blog will discuss the various ways that yoga can help you manage stress.

Stress and its consequences for the body

Before we dive into the advantages of yoga for stress management, understanding the impacts of stress on the body is important. Stress can manifest in different ways, including physical, emotional, and mental stress. If the body is under stress, it creates a hormone called cortisol, which can cause a variety of health problems, like stress, sleep disorder, and anxiety.

Yoga and stress management

Yoga is a type of physical activity that includes various postures, controlled breathing, and meditation. When done regularly, it can help with reducing stress levels and improves overall personality. Here are some ways by which yoga can help you with stress management:

  1. Reduces cortisol levels

Cortisol is the hormone liable for stress, and high levels can cause anxiety and other health problems. Yoga has been shown to reduce cortisol levels in the body, which is the hormone responsible for stress. A research shown has that practising yoga for quite a long time reduces cortisol levels in individuals.

  1. Promotes relaxation

The controlled breathing procedures utilized in yoga can assist with improving relaxation and smoothness. This can prompt a decrease in stress and a general sensation of prosperity. Moreover, the actual postures utilized in yoga can assist with delivering strain in the body and decrease actual side effects of stress, like cerebral pains and muscle pressure.

  1. Increases mindfulness

Care is the practice of being available at the time and monitoring your thoughts and sentiments without judgment. Yoga improves mindfulness by empowering you to zero in on your breath and body. This can assist you with turning out to be more mindful of your stress triggers and how your body responds to stress.

  1. Improves sleep quality

Stress can adversely affect sleep quality, which can additionally compound stress levels. Yoga helps to improve sleep quality by minimizing stress levels and improving relaxation. A study conducted in 2015 found that rehearsing yoga for a very long time improved sleep quality in participants with sleep disorder.

At Ananta Ayurveda, we offer a Yoga and Meditation Center in Cippenham where you can practice yoga in a friendly environment. Our experienced yoga specialists can teach you through various postures and breathing methods that can assist you with overseeing stress and improve in overall prosperity.


Stress is a common issue that influences many individuals; however, yoga can be an integral asset for stress management. By reducing cortisol levels, improving relaxation, expanding mindfulness, and further helping in sleep quality, yoga can assist you with overseeing stress and improve your overall quality of life.

If you’re searching for a way for overseeing stress, consider joining yoga at Ananta Ayurveda’s Yoga and Meditation Center in Cippenham. Our yoga instructors can help you with discovering peace and equilibrium.

Ayurveda Meditation Yoga

10 Benefits Of Doing Yoga On A Daily Basis: Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Yoga is one such physical exercise that we all know is helpful for our health, but still, we need to practice it daily.

But this blog will discuss ten benefits of doing yoga and visiting the Yoga & Meditation center in Cippenham.

With the help of this, we can convince you to do yoga daily, lead a healthy life, and visit the best ayurvedic clinic in Cippenham to treat your health issues in an all-natural way.

10 Benefits Of Doing Yoga On A Daily Basis

  • Build Full Body Strength:

Yoga can help you build your full body strength; you need to perform different yoga techniques to enhance your overall body posture and increase your full body strength.

  • Reduces Stress:

If you are facing stress issues, you must have noticed that everyone will suggest yoga-based breathing exercises. Right after practicing breathing exercises, you will start feeling light, and you will be able to reduce stress.

  • Help You Get Rid of Depression & Anxiety:

Yoga is mostly performed in open surroundings and with fresh air. Therefore, when you leave your home to do yoga or any such physical activity in fresh surroundings, your thought process will change and help you eliminate depression and anxiety issues.

  • Regulates Nervous System:

Whenever you start doing yoga regularly, you will notice better control of your nervous system; you will feel that your nervous system is more aligned now. Once your nervous system is aligned, you can control your heart, breathing, and overall body functions better.

  • Different Types Of Yoga:

You will always enjoy doing yoga, as you can perform numerous types of yoga and get better health by performing different yoga techniques daily.

  • Suitable Physical Exercise For All:

Not everyone can run for long hours or lift heavy weights. But when we talk about yoga, anyone can do it. So firstly, you can get a little equipment and a yoga mat, and that’s it.

Secondly, all the yoga techniques have their lighter version, so if you are a beginner or an old age person, you should start with those alternatives.

  • Start With Breathing Exercises:

If you are a complete beginner and know nothing about yoga, you should start with breathing exercises with the help of which you can make yourself feel lightweight and better.

  • Helps With Weight Loss:

Most people don’t believe you can lose weight by practicing yoga daily, but whenever you practice yoga, you will notice your heartbeat increase and the blood flow in your whole body will also increase.

Due to this, you can burn many calories during and after your yoga session as well.

  • Enhances Mindfulness:

If you think a lot about various things daily and feel like you are just tired mentally, then yoga can be beneficial for you. By doing yoga, you can remove all the thoughts from your mind and enhance mindfulness in your body.

  • Reduces Sleep Issues:

Are you someone facing sleep issues? If yes, then you should practice yoga daily in the evening. It will help you feel tired, and that will help you get a sound sleep.

Ayurveda Shirodhara Therapy

Everything You Need To Know About Shirodhara Therapy

Stress & Anxiety are two significant reasons why people face most of their health issues.

The worst part is people are continuously eating stress-relieving medicines full of chemicals that lead to plenty of side effects. And they are not looking at the natural and ayurvedic treatment methods for these issues that can help you kill these problems naturally.

In this post, we will talk about Shirodhara Therapy, considered the most effective stress-relieving ayurvedic practice. If you want to solve your problems using natural treatment methods, then read this post until the end.

What do you mean by Shirodhara Therapy?

 Shirodhara is derived from two different words, which are Shiro which is known as “Head,” and the second one is Dhara which is known as “Flow.” So in this ayurvedic treatment method, you would be getting treated with the help of a flow of liquid over your head along with massage.

Generally, people use water as a liquid for treatment in this method, but along with water, you can also use things such as oil, milk, buttermilk, and many more.

In ayurveda, it is said that with the help of this treatment method, you would be able to rebalance all the doshas in your body, which directly helps in treating various health issues naturally.

Benefits of Shirodhara Therapy

 Shirodhara Therapy offers plenty of benefits, which are as follows:

  • If you are someone with sleep disorders, you should surely go for Shirodhara therapy, as it can help you quickly with sleep-related problems.
  • Suppose you are someone who faces a lot of stress and Anxiety related issues. In that case, most ayurvedic doctor will suggest you go for this therapy and integrate yoga into your life.

Procedure of Shirodhara Therapy

 In the first step of this therapy, the practitioner will ask you to lie down on the spot, and then they will bring oil or water in a container. The oil or water temperature would be similar to your body temperature, and the container will have a small hole.

They will use a stand for the container with the help of which the oil or water directly reaches between your eyes. However, your eyes will be covered appropriately so that the oil does not get inside your eyes.

The complete process can take 40 to 90 minutes, and the practitioner also offers a massage before or after this therapy.

Is Shirodhara Therapy Safe?

After looking at this therapy’s complete procedure, you must have thought to try it out. But you don’t have any problem, can you still try it?

Yes, Shirodhara Therapy is safe, and anyone can try it out. Ensure you are getting in touch with a professional ayurvedic practitioner who has been doing this therapy for years.


 Shirodhara Therapy is one of the best and easiest treatment methods for stress, Anxiety, and sleep problems. If you are looking for a professional Shirodhara therapy expert, then Ananta Ayurveda is the perfect option for you.


Basics of Ayurveda Everybody Should Know

Ayurveda is way more powerful than you think. It even solves problems that modern medical science is still finding. Unfortunately, however, the percentage of people who believe in Ayurveda is low compared to the believers in medical science.

But, we must understand that Ayurveda is a 5000 old system that originated in India, and all those manuscripts that talk about Ayurveda are still working. Secondly, we still need to configure everything about Ayurveda, so there’s still a long way to go.

If you are someone who believes or doesn’t believe in Ayurveda, make sure to read this blog till the end.

Basics of Ayurveda Everybody Should Know

Everyone is going to fall in love with Ayurveda after learning about the basis of Ayurveda:

1- Although every procedure linked with Ayurveda is very generic and uses most of the things available at your home for treatment, the strategies and treatment methods are yet so effective.

We all must have heard that Ayurveda combines five elements: space, air, water, fire, and earth. And when we look at the treatment methods and all, you will notice that almost every treatment is processed using these elements only.

2- In Ayurveda, it is considered that every person has a specific dosha. And with the help of that dosha, you would be able to find that person’s characteristics, including internal health, mental health, thought process, and many more such things.

There are usually three doshas, which keep increasing and decreasing in a person’s body. All these changes in the doshas also depict a lot of stuff about a person’s health.

Ayurveda practitioners can find your dosha and process the treatment

based on your signs and symptoms.

3- Diagnostic techniques are linked with technology and reports in medical science. Still, when we talk about the diagnostic methods in Ayurveda, you can notice things like skin color changes, eye color, urine, stool, and many more such factors.

4- Whenever you are dealing with a problem through Ayurveda, you will notice that every health problem arises because of an energy imbalance between the mind, body, and soul. This means your body, mind, and organs play a crucial role in treating the problem. Therefore, with the help of these techniques, ayurvedic practitioners can treat the root cause of a problem entirely instead of only treating a problem from the upper segment.

5- In Ayurveda, the practitioners will also look at factors like the atmosphere at your home, office, or the place you live. During the treatment, the practitioners will also suggest you adapt changes in your daily lifestyle and atmosphere to help you get rid of a disease properly.


Looking for an Ayurvedic Doctor in Cippenham? Anant Ayurveda is the perfect option for you.

Anant Ayurveda, the best Ayurvedic Clinic in Cippenham, offers all-natural remedies that can help you eliminate your health problems from the roots.

Ayurveda diet plan hair fall hair loss

Ayurveda emphasizes upon healthy diet plan against the hair fall problem

Ayurvedic diet for hair loss

Hair loss is one of the widespread problems common among individuals of every age group. Primarily, it’s the imbalance of pitta dosha that aggravates the problem adversely. To balance the same, it’s important to follow a healthy and balanced diet plan to reduce the severity of the situation. For healthier and stronger hair, it’s important to keep your diet properly managed and balanced to resolve the issue on time. There’s a possibility the condition is temporary, and with the right regimen, the hair loss state can be managed effectively. 

Important food to include in your diet plan

Some of the important food that you should include in your diet plan should include zinc, acids, vitamins, and other essential nutrients. Some of the important protein-rich diets you should have are:

  • Soybean 
  • Ghee
  • Grains like millet, quinoa, Kamut, polenta, amaranth, and other
  • Soaked nuts & seeds
  • Seasonal vegetables and fruits
  • Some the healthy spices like fennels, saffron, coriander, and are cumin

It’s better that you have high-fiber-rich food to help your body stay healthy and ensure the hair gets all the essential nutrients that it needs. 

List of food you should not eat as it increases hair fall

It includes:

  • Spicy and hot fried food with white sugar
  • Meats
  • Sour food, junk food
  • Preservative food and artificial food
  • White flour

Struggling with hair fall?

If your hair fall does not seem to get under control, then it’s better to try out all the natural and effective options as suggested by Ayurveda to help it get in a balanced state. At Ananta Ayurveda, under the supervision of our Ayurvedic practitioner, you will get the most effective plan for your hair fall problem.


Which are the most effective Ayurvedic regimens for youth and vitality?

For a healthy and fit body, there are a number of mindful things that you need to do. From keeping your diet well-balanced to ensuring you don’t involve yourself in unwanted practices, there are various things that allow you to be in a better state. And that’s why following Ayurveda allows your body to be in a well-rounded state offering effective benefits. As per Ayurveda, there are a few important regimens you need to follow to improve your overall energy. 

Ayurvedic regimen for youth and vitality 

Here are some of the essential Ayurvedic practices that you should follow in your daily regime are:

  • Immediately upon getting up, you should brush your teeth and scrape your tongue. The said practice allows the removal of all the toxins from the body and lets the body get into a healthy state. 
  • Splash clean water on the eyes as it helps improve eyesight and allows mental well-being to become active.
  • You should exercise every day to keep yourself active and healthy. 
  • Follow the practice of eating a sattvic diet as it allows the body to respond properly. It’s better that you eat food when the body has the desired urge. 
  • Make sure to include turmeric as an important part of your diet to clear the infection, improve joint function, and let the inflammation get in a balanced state. 
  • You should meditate every day as it allows the body to get in a balanced and healthy state. 
  • Add Triphala to your diet, as it’s an important choice for your well-being. 

Do you have any doubts?

In case you are having some kind of health-related concern, then schedule an initial consultation at Ananta Ayurveda to get your well-being in the right state.